Sunday, January 2, 2011

Capricorn Solar Eclipse, January 4, 2011

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By Cathy Lynn Pagano (about the author) Page 1 of 2 page(s)
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Capricorn Solar Eclipse, January 4, 2011

Solar Eclipse

With Mercury once more moving in direct motion as of Thursday, December 30th, all of the planets are moving forward until the end of January. You might feel like you can tackle anything with all this extraverted energy, but I would wait until this new Moon solar eclipse on January 4th to make any decisions about the coming year.

A Solar Eclipse is a new Moon where the Sun and Moon are on the same plane as the Earth. All three heavenly bodies line up, and we see the Moon's passage over the face of the Sun. The Moon, which symbolizes our emotional body, blocks our rational solar consciousness and we are allowed to "see' the truth of our emotions. What are you feeling that you've been told is inappropriate? What have you been ashamed to admit to? Now is the perfect time to feel it and become conscious of your real needs, not those false needs that our culture pushes on us to make sure the "economy' grows. Hopefully, we'll begin to see that the great experiment of capitalism is no longer viable in a world where our resources are running out and our environment is dying.

The January 4, 2011 solar eclipse occurs at 14* Capricorn at 9:03am GMT /4:03am EST/1:03am PST, and will be visible over much of Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia. Since it occurs during the season of Winter Solstice and the 12 Days of Christmas, it is still concerned with shaping the chaotic energy for the New Year. The lunar eclipse that occurred on Winter Solstice hopefully helped us release old negative beliefs about life as well as shifting our perspective so that our knowledge becomes a source of wisdom and meaning rather than just information. This solar eclipse plants the seeds of rebirth, based on that new perspective, within our society at large.

Let's see what deeper understanding we can discover about this Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign associated with our professional position in the world as well as our life purpose; it is about the use and abuse of power and privilege by the Fathers. Capricorn has been the sign of Patriarchy for thousands of years. And so our "place' or "purpose' in the world has been to follow the rules set down for us; we've gone out and found what work was deemed acceptable according to the needs of society. What would happen if we all decided that our purpose didn't fit the purpose of our economy or our present culture? What would happen if we stopped supporting the capitalist agenda and honed our particular gifts to create a new society? What if we toppled the Father from his place of prominence and proceeded to live life according to our own inner direction and purpose?

What will The Father look like in the future? Will he remain the tyrant, the political leader, the boss? Once the Father's rule is over, what role will the Father have? Perhaps the Father archetype will revert back to the "one who orders the world' for us without imposing his order on us. Perhaps, like the father in the movie "Fly Away Home' he will show us how to live out our unique potential. With this solar eclipse in Capricorn, in the first days of this year of immense change, we have the opportunity to re-invent the Father archetype within. Wherever Capricorn lies in your chart, I think you'll find the rules will change.

Capricorn Solar Eclipse 2011 by Cathy Pagano

One rule that is cosmic law and therefore won't change is: Everything comes in threes. Three is the number of process, of actualizing what was only potential. Four grounds three's energies and is the number of wholeness. C.G. Jung believed that we had to solve the mystery of the three and the four to achieve Individuation. What he meant was that we have to put our knowledge to the test and live it if we want to be whole.

Astrology is based on the energies of three and four. There are the four elements -" fire, air, earth & water; and there are the three types of energies -" cardinal/initiating, fixed/concentrating & mutable/disseminating. Each of the twelve signs of the zodiac are also divided into three sections, mirroring the three energies within each element, just as "gas, solid and liquid' are the three forms of matter. The unique layering that makes Astrology so fascinating deepens our understanding of Life.

The three divisions in a sign are 10* each, so this eclipse occurs in the 2nd 10 degrees of Capricorn, which have an affinity with Taurus. Taurus, the Bull of the Great Mother, symbolizes the natural energy that generates new life. Taurus is the Builder and the Teacher of the zodiac, the energy that incarnates natural law, just as nature blossoms again in the spring. When we add the concerns of Capricorn, the rules and collective structures that keep society working, we can see that we've entered a new stage in our collective transformation where we will have to start rebuilding our lives and our society from the ground up. Hopefully, we will listen to our instincts and build what is true and necessary for life, not profit.

Pluto, the great leveler, has been in the sign of Capricorn since November 2008, the very same week that we began to see the extent of the current financial collapse. When Pluto first enters a sign, it exposes those things that are no longer viable to the concerns of the sign - it turns up the muck so we can see what's rotten and understand what is really going on. After the past two years, we can all agree that our financial systems and governments are in need of regeneration, due to corruption and a culture of greed, as well as an imbalance between the rights of people and the rights of big corporations.

Instead of trying to shore up systems that are no longer viable, we need to begin to imagine and implement new and better systems that work fairly for everyone. And people are already doing this all over the world.

Capricorn is the sign that rules large collectives, like countries and corporations and now, the whole world. We are just in the beginning of this re-structuring, which will last at least through 2024 when Pluto leaves Capricorn for Aquarius. This Capricorn solar eclipse is a new Birth, a new beginning. Just as every new birth requires patience and care, the solar eclipse is the time to plant the seeds of that new Birth and tend it this year with great patience and care.

The future is calling to us.

The Taurus vibration of this Capricorn degree makes this a perfect time to "build' something, and any good builder knows that you begin with the foundation. Since this solar eclipse is hitting points in my chart (trines my natal Sun and opposes my progressed Sun), my interpretation of it will be colored by my experiences. As a Taurus, I believe that we base our lives on our values. And we imagine that our society reflects those values. But I think we are finally clearly seeing the disconnect between our personal and communal values and the realities of how we "do business'.

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