Monday, August 29, 2011

The Cosmic Story: Virgo New Moon, August 28-29, 2011

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By Cathy Lynn Pagano (about the author)

Virgo New Moon, August 28-29, 2011

Virgo by Anonymous

The astrological sign of Virgo is much more interesting than people give it credit for. At its best, it is the sign of synthesis, where we purify our ego personality and bring all the parts of ourselves together so we can live out our higher Self and be of service to our world. At its worst, Virgo can be controlling and critical, thinking she has to be perfect. Virgo, with her image of the Virgin holding the sheaf of wheat, also represents the harvest, when we reap what we've sown.

Virgo, the sign of the worker, the craftsperson, the perfectionist. Virgo, the sign of the healer, the farmer, the technician, the environmentalist. Virgo, the sign of the analytical, practical mind and the gift of discernment. Virgo, the sign of the Virgin, the one who belongs to herself.

Virgo is a mutable earth sign, suggesting that we use common sense to decide how to live our lives well. Virgo, ruled by the planet Mercury, brings the divine messenger out of the air and down to earth and asks him to make sure our facts are accurate and reliable so we can actually use them to better our lives. While Gemini's Mercury has fun gathering information on the Internet, Virgo wants his knowledge to build something we actually need. And Virgo wants it built right!

Since this is the last Virgo New Moon before next year's first Uranus/Pluto square - which will re-activate the 60s' conjunction of Uranus/Pluto in Virgo - it seems like a good time to review what this revolutionary conjunction asked of us and where we stand now. Each time Uranus and Pluto start a new cycle, there is a burst of energy (like the new moon) that demands revolution and awakening (Uranus) and evolution and raw passion (Pluto). Their conjunction in the sign of Virgo in the mid-60s opened us up to a new awareness of the state of our health systems, our food systems, our treatment of the Earth and animals, as well as to our working conditions. While our society has grown because of our new awareness around these Virgo issues, we find ourselves at a point where our government and financial institutions (Pluto in Capricorn) are trying to tear down the advances we've made in these areas instead of supporting them. This is typical of a square, which marks a crossroads in our development. An aspect of stress and choice, the square between these two planets symbolizes what we need to do in the coming years. The added factor in both the 60s and now is Saturn, which represents both the old conservative views in its negative manifestations and personal responsibility to ourselves and others in its more positive manifestation.

This is the classic struggle between the old vs. the new. (Remember Saturn and Uranus facing off in November 2008? We're still seeing the repercussions of that struggle in politics.) As Pluto in Capricorn continues to reveal the decay and corruption in our societal structures, the old guard is fighting to remain on top and in charge. But with Uranus in Aries about to square Pluto in Capricorn 7 times in the next four years, each of us is personally challenged to make sure that the 60s' conjunction moves into the next stage of development.

This next stage -- the first square -- is likened to the Hero's Journey. Uranus in Aries is pressuring each of us to take on a bigger, more awakened identity and responsibility to make sure that these Virgo issues are strengthened, not done away with. Since it seems that politicians work for corporations now, it is up to "we the people' to stand up for our rights and make sure that the revolution and evolution our world needs is not stifled. This is the task of the Hero/ine -- to find the answers that are most beneficial to our collective life. It is more important that all people have healthy food than for Monsanto to make enormous profits by owning and manipulating genetically modified seeds that are sterile.

In Virgo, the workers who actually keep society working must be honored, while the bureaucrats and financiers (ruled by Capricorn and now being asked to die to their old ways) have to change their culture of greed, elitism and destruction that fills their coffers while imposing harsher working conditions on the workforce. Once corporations found impoverished workers who would labor in their factories for pennies a day, they abandoned workers in the West. Now we see the results around the world. If you're lucky enough to work, you find that you are doing the work of 5 people for less pay. The public fury that has been directed against our unions has been a deliberate misdirection, diverting our attention away from the source of our troubles -- the corporations who are controlling our governments and seeing record profits while offering nothing in return. While unions certainly have huge issues that must be addressed, we see no similar drive to address the vastly more corrupt and uncontrolled excesses of our corporate and financial institutions. Corporations ARE NOT PEOPLE, and they do not deserve to have our human rights. Corporations and politicians need their own Bill of Rights and Regulations, which put them in service (a good Virgo quality) to the greater good. The workers of the world really do need to UNITE so that no matter where you live, you get the same rights and pay.

Virgo New Moon

The Virgo New Moon occurs on Sunday August 28 at 8:04pm PDT/ 11:04pm EDT and on Monday August 29 at 3:04am GMT.

Virgo New Moon 2011 by Cathy Pagano/Kepler

As we come around again to this year's Virgo New Moon, what kind of new seeds do we want to plant in this sign of integration of body, mind and spirit? Where have we come from in the past year in terms of our health, work, and practical common sense? This Virgo New Moon asks us to do more with the information we gather -- how are we organizing what we need to know and how well are we using it? How are we dealing with our health issues? Are you working, and if so, are your working conditions better or worse than a year ago? What do you think about the fact that our politicians seem to be willing to trash our environmental safeguards at the expense of our health so that corporations can continue to make obscene profits? These collective issues are personal issues, and Uranus in Aries is urging us to stand up for our rights.

Since Virgo, the Virgin, asks us to truly "belong to ourselves', we first need to look within and find out who we are. "Know thyself!' is the first step to belonging to ourselves. Virgo's analytical mind can discern between who you really are and who you've been taught to believe you are. As the world around us changes, the best security you can have is the knowledge of who you are and what you are capable of. Last year for the Cosmic Story's Virgo New Moon, I told the Grimm's fairy tale Rumplestiltskin, the story of a father who lies about his daughter's ability to spin straw into gold. The dwarf Rumplestiltskin offers to help, but his ultimate price is her new life. In the end she defeats him, but it is one of Virgo's cautionary tales -- in trying to be the perfect worker, the great achiever, we could lose what is most precious in our lives.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 6*Virgo is: Excited children ride on a gaudy merry-go-round. The excitement of going round and round and up and down is a great symbol for our experience of life itself. The cycle of the year and the many ups and downs we encounter as we progress can make us dizzy at times. Just remember to hold on and have fun!

This Virgo New Moon is conjunct Venus, who helps us see our own self-worth. Venus helps us connect with our heart's desire, so listen within during this new moon and see how your work, your health and your sense of Self are doing. Both Chiron in Pisces and Neptune in the late degrees of Aquarius are opposing this new Moon, reminding us to be compassionate and tolerant with ourselves and others. Compassion and tolerance, however, do not preclude taking responsibility for our actions and our goals.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Hello Dear Friends!

If you have the sense that you're not fully living the life that you were meant to live, then you may be interested in learning some practical, hands-on tools to make it happen! Live Your ARTobiography: Using ARTsignments to Discover the Story You Are Meant to Live. is a free, live teleclass (you can dial in from anywhere!) taking place on Thursday, September 8, and it's presented by Marney Makridakis from, the creator of the ARTbundance approach to self-awareness through creativity, as well as other special guests, including Brian Andreas of Storypeople fame. I really like Marney's approach and I think you would get a lot out of this class...and best of all, there's no cost.

"Live Your ARTobiography" takes place on Thursday, September 8, 2011. In this fun, free class, you will:

  • * Engage in transformative tools to learn how to transition from living your "oughtabiography" to your "artobiography", so you can do more of what you love, more of the time.
  • * Participate in hands-on ARTsignments™ - fun exercises to help unveil new insights about the story you are meant to live!
  • * Hear candid personal stories from me, Storypeople's Brian Andreas, and ACT Graduates, with our best examples for bringing the power of story to life.
  • * All participants will also receive a dynamic follow-up workbook including inspiring and effective ARTsignments™ that harness the ARTbundance™ Principles to uncover even more new sources and opportunities for tapping into the story you are meant to live.

I think you’ll love it! You can get all the info here!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

If you've ever heard of EFT Tapping
you've probably heard some amazing
stories about the results that people
have gotten with it…

And like most people, you've probably
thought to yourself something like
"will it work for me?" or "are all those
stories really true?"

After all, you want to know how it can
impact your life. But when you hear
all those stories about how miraculous
it is you can't help but ask if it's
not working for some people…

And the honest answer is…yes. Sometimes
people don't get the results they're
looking for.

But there's a reason and a bigger, more
important question…

When somebody hasn't gotten results the
question is WHY didn't they get results,
because EFT works spectacularly well.

From what I've seen it tends to be
because they didn't fully understand how
to tap properly and they weren't completely
comfortable with knowing what to say and
what to focus on while they were tapping.

And that's understandable. When something's
new to you, you have to get a feel for how
to do it.

So here's what I suggest as a solution,
because I want you to be able to get the
amazing results that people get everyday
with tapping…

To use EFT Tapping effectively I suggest
you watch an EFT expert doing Tapping with
somebody and tap along.

Now getting to do that typically isn't
easy. You have to go to a live event
and that can involve some big expenses
with travel, hotel and event tickets.

But there is a much cheaper option and
that's watching a recorded event and
following along as if you were there.

Just last week the team behind the documentary
film "The Tapping Solution" released the
video from their 3 day "Tapping Experience"
live event.

This is a phenomenal event that was run by
EFT expert Carol Look that was absolutely
life changing for the people who attended
and can be life changing for you as well.

Tapping works miracles every day and you
deserve to have one of those miracles

If you want to really learn how to do EFT
Tapping well and get spectacular results
in your life check out the page below:

And here's something REALLY important to
remember…there's nothing to risk by getting
this, watching it and tapping along.

If you watch the DVD's and don't get results
you can return it.

But what you have to gain…is a LOT.

Removing stress, anxiety and other negative
and limiting emotion

Eliminating physical pain…

Removing limiting beliefs and other blocks
to being successful…

And so much more.

Tapping works on so many things…and watching
these videos and tapping along is such an easy
way to do it for yourself and do it properly.

Enjoy the videos. You deserve to be another
miraculous story of how EFT Tapping worked. :)

Jo Beall

P.S. - Speaking of success stories, here's what
a few of the participants from the event had to
say about attending:

"At first I thought I was crazy coming all the
way from Switzerland just for this event.
Something deep in my heart told me that it would
be the right time, place, and people, and I
should do it.
But I think my heart had no idea how much I
would experience and take with me home. Thanks
all of you for this amazing event. Carol you
are amazing.
Thanks to the new friends, the universe and my
heart that brought me here."

-Suelene Canchian

"My experience this weekend has been amazing.
I enrolled for the course to clear any possible
issues, personally and to get the tools and
training for my coaching business, as well as
my wellness business.
I have awakened to “stuff” that has been held
“somewhere” inside of me, for years. Things
that I had “no idea” were there.
I understand why my life is so extraordinary
and now, I see, why it isn’t, in some areas.
I see greatness now. I am so grateful and so
in love with life, again."

-Suzette Greiner Roth

"This weekend has been amazing! On of my
biggest issues has been that I avoid dealing
with my emotional issues by any avoidable
means. By listening to the participants,
lots of things have come up that were buried
so deep I didn’t know I needed to work on them.
I now have targets to work on. For the 1st
time in years, I have hope, and I can’t possibly
thank you enough."


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"When women reassert their relationship with the wildish nature, they are gifted with a permanent and internal watcher, a knower, a visionary, an oracle, an inspiratrice, an intuitive, a maker, a creator, an inventor, and a listener who guide, suggest, and urge vibrant life in the inner and outer worlds. When women are close to this nature, the fact of that relationship glows through them. The wild teacher, wild mother, wild mentor supports their inner and outer lives, no matter what."
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Do you ever feel like your life is harder than it needs to be? That manifesting your true calling is not generating enough money, traction or momentum?
Tree of Life Blessing
By Shiloh Sophia McCloud

May you choose outrageous actions
that challenge who you are
and encourage who you are becoming.
May you take one step, however small,
toward that which you have always longed for.
Now is the "right time."
May you recognize the unique and powerful contribution
that you bring to the people whose lives you touch.
May you be as wonderful as you really are,
and do things because you want to,

not just because you should.
May you celebrate your creativity

and believe that you are an
artist with a unique vision that no one else has.
May you find peace and purpose and possibility

amidst the chaos

while remaining aware of the unrest in the world.
May you reach towards the Spirit

with a longing that keeps
you awake to the miracles available all around you.
May your faith move any mountains

that stand in your way
and bring you great teachers to awaken your understanding.
May you give up shame, guilt and self-neglect

and replace them with qualities like freedom,

integrity and self-nurturing.
May you offer the gifts and blessings
of your soul work

to beings of the world

when the time is ripe for you to release them.
May you passionately and deeply love and be loved
by someone who can see who you really are.
May your body speak to you and teach you
how to care for the temple

that houses your bright spirit.
May you walk gently on the earth

and honor your hearth and family
with your action and your rest.
May you find and enjoy the fruit of abundance
so that your life path can be fortified and furthered.
May you embrace the Tree of Life
and be informed by the wisdom

she brings to those on her path.
May LOVE be at the center of all your choices
and may you, with me,

send this blessing to all beings.

For she is a tree of life to those that embrace her. Proverbs

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Overcoming Food Cravings | Releasing Physical Pain | Eliminating the Fear of Public Speaking | Learn About the Entire 12 DVD Set ©2011 Try It Productions,, Privacy Policy, Design & Develop by
Overcoming Food Cravings | Releasing Physical Pain | Eliminating the Fear of Public Speaking | Learn About the Entire 12 DVD Set ©2011 Try It Productions,, Privacy Policy, Design & Develop by
Overcoming Food Cravings | Releasing Physical Pain | Eliminating the Fear of Public Speaking | Learn About the Entire 12 DVD Set ©2011 Try It Productions,, Privacy Policy, Design & Develop by

"Hope is the energy

that sustains a new vision
while it transforms from the realm
of the imagination
into the realm of manifested reality."

Friday, August 12, 2011

Aquarius Full Moon, August 13, 2011

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By Cathy Lynn Pagano (about the author)

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Aquarius Full Moon, August 13, 2011

You say you want a revolution

Well, you know

We all want to change the world

You tell me that it's evolution

Well, you know

We all want to change the world

But when you talk about destruction

Don't you know that you can count me out

Don't you know it's gonna be all right

all right, all right

The Beatles

While the Sun moves through a new zodiac sign every month, the Moon travels at a different pace, visiting all 12 signs of the zodiac each month. At the time of the Full Moon, the Moon stands opposite the Sun, fully reflecting the sunlight and transforming it into the cool silvery light of the night sky. Full moons offer us a chance to reflect on the Sun's energy. When the Sun is in the sign of Leo, the Full Moon occurs in the opposite sign of Aquarius. At the Full Moon, we are asked to become aware of how the two opposite signs complement, rather than fight, each other so we can use their energies in the best possible ways.

The Sun in Leo engages our creativity, our child-like playfulness, our need to express ourselves in a warm, glowing way. Leo is the Sun-King, the Sun-Queen - the epitome of summer and life. The opposite sign of Aquarius is a wintery sign (in the northern hemisphere), a time of crystal clear, cold nights when the universe is spread out before our wondering eyes. In Leo, we look at our life here on Earth and create. In Aquarius, we look to the Heavens and wonder.

Right now, Aquarius takes on a greater significance, because we are slowly moving into the Age of Aquarius, when that constellation will rise at the Spring Equinox. At the moment, we are still in the tidal eddies created by the changing ages. As Pisces flows out and Aquarius surges in, we find ourselves in the chaotic moment of endings and beginnings. We also find ourselves challenged to become a conscious part of Earth's evolution. Thomas Berry, the great environmentalist, says we are entering a geological age where humanity is the power that will bring about the destruction of our planet or its re-birth. The Beatles got it right: this is not about destroying the old system (patriarchy) but rather taking what is best from the old and uniting it with the new. This revolution that is coming our way is supposed to be a peaceful revolution -- otherwise we will re-create the very things that need to die.

Aquarius Symbol by Suzanne While

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