Autumn Equinox, Libra New Moon & Aries Full Moon 2011
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Libra New Moon & Aries Full Moon
Autumn Equinox 2011
(I will be out of the country for most of October so I am combining the New and Full Moon Cosmic Story. I'll be back for the Scorpio New Moon!)
"Diane di Prima wrote a line that comes back to me now: "The only war that counts is the war against the imagination.' . . . All war is first waged in the imagination, first conducted to limit our dreams and visions, to make us accept within ourselves its terms, to believe that our only choices are those that it lays before us. If we let the terms of force describe the terrain of our battle, we will lose. But if we hold to the power of our visions, our heartbeats, our imagination, we can fight on our own turf, which is the landscape of consciousness."
Starhawk, The Fifth Sacred Thing, p. 238.
Autumn Equinox - Friday, September 23, 2011
Pumpkin Field Autumn. New England. by Bruce Barone
Sabian Symbol for the Autumn Equinox Sun at 1*Libra: A butterfly, pierced by a dart of Light, is made perfect. Transfiguration, sudden Spiritual illumination, awakening to a higher reality.
This Friday is the Autumn Equinox, the day when the Sun stands over the equator and day and night, light and dark are equal. Now the Sun will begin to move south of the equator, bringing Springtime to our neighbors in the southern hemisphere. Here in the North, the hours of darkness grow even longer until the Winter Solstice brings us the rebirth of the Light.
There is a soft and quiet quality that the longer nights gift us with, that we often ignore by staying indoors during these winter nights. But what a treasure awaits us as we travel again through the dark time of the year. The nighttime sky attracts our attention, giving us a glimpse of the wonders of Heaven. Add to that our Lady Moon shining such a benevolent light upon us that we can't help but be enchanted with the night. Perhaps we need to reclaim the night in this next season and bear witness to the beauties that surround us in the dark. I'll be telling a story about the Light and the Darkness this Friday night at the Bard's Grove .
There is a new rhythm about to be struck in the Earth cycle. The Wheel of the Year is turning once again, and it will bring us to the time to go within, let go, let things lie fallow so a new creative vision can be born within the depths of both the inner and outer darkness. This is how the ancients experienced the Universe and heard the new stories being birthed. If we want to give birth to new stories and new possibilities next year, we might listen to what the Cosmos is telling us for the next three months now that the dark is rising. I'm positive it will be a story of HOPE. Otherwise, we are left with the darkness of our culture, which tries to overwhelm us with fear.
Autumn Equinox 2011 by Cathy Pagano/Kepler
The Equinox chart, which describes the issues that will arise for the next three months, describes the point where the Sun goes into Libra. It tells a story about the equality between Self and Other that arises from mutual respect and the willingness to compromise. This is due in part to Uranus in Aries demanding that we take up a new identity that isn't wounded or unconscious, but purposeful and creative. Feeling different about ourselves can help us appreciate others and see them as equals. Both Moon and Mars in Leo want to take creative action, despite the inconjunct from Pluto in Capricorn. We still have to refine our creative ideas about what new forms and structures need to be built, but we're getting there. With the Sun, Venus and Saturn in Libra holding down the third leg of the Pluto/Uranus T-square, this revolutionary energy will kick in consciously this fall for a lot of people. You can help spread the work by being respectful and conscious, just and open in all your relationships. We teach by example.
Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Taurus both want the same thing -- Peace. It's just how are we going to get it? Make peace with yourself before you make peace with others. Then begin in small ways, with people in your lives who you need to make peace with. It starts with us and within us. Then the Sun in Libra and Neptune in Aquarius ask us to figure out how to take those qualities that make for deep personal relationships and bring them to the group imagination. Perhaps our artists can lead the way here. After I get back in late October, I'll be writing about how artists can band together this winter to create an artistic platform for educating our people about what's really happening in our world with stories of truth, hope and possibilities.
This Autumn Equinox and the next Moon cycle are the time to release your creativity into the world -- the final harvest of 2011. What did you create this past year? Send it out and let it go! And begin to slow down and let your energy balance out so it can begin to regenerate. The Darkness can be very healing.
Libra New Moon, Tuesday September 27, 2011
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