Saturday, January 7, 2012

22 Questions: Receiving What I Want in 2012

1. What is it I am committed to receiving?

2. What is it I am committed to starting

3. Who is it I am excited about being?

4. Who is it in me I am excited about letting go?

5. Where is it I will spend my time?

6. Where is it I will spend less of my time?

7. Who will I reach out to and connect with?

8. Who will I surrender and let go?

9. What is it I feel really good about?

10. What is it I need to forgive myself for?

11. What abundance am I going to bring forth?

12. What excess am I going to release?

13. How will I shine my light in the world?

14. How will I stop hiding my light?

15. How will I strengthen my relationship with Spirit?

16. What excuses will I no longer use?

17. What is it my soul longs to express?

18. What is no longer serving my soul?

19. How will I care for my body?

20. How will I no longer treat myself?

21. What was the theme for my 2011?

22. What will the theme be for my 2012?

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