Leo New Moon, August 9, 2010
By Cathy Lynn Pagano (about the author) Page 1 of 3 page(s)
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The Cosmic Story:
Leo New Moon, August 2010
"A life without love is of no account. Don't ask yourself what kind of love you should seek, spiritual or material, divine or mundane, Eastern or Western . . . Divisions only lead to more divisions. Love has no labels, no definitions. It is what it is, pure and simple. Love is the water of life. And a lover is a soul of fire! The Universe turns differently when fire loves water."
The new Moon in Leo takes place onMonday, August 9, 2010 at 11;08pm Eastern/8:08 Pacific time. As with all new Moons, it is a sowing time, a time to plant a seed of new life. Leo rules the Heart, and this new Moon is a great time to open your hearts and let the power of love move through you! The waters of the Moon and the fire of the Sun will help you turn your universe around.
With Mars and Venus moving into Libra adding a more personal dimension to the dialogue of the cosmic T-square between Pluto, Uranus and Saturn, it's time to consider our personal connection to the vast social changes that this celestial configuration speaks to. And with Venus in the mix, there's great hope that instead of conflict there will be cooperation.
These are the same energies that woke us up in the 60s with a new attitude about life and people. The dreams and visions that came out of the 60s reformulated and birthed the Aquarian dream of a new society:
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation
Everything that's going on now, both in the sky and in our lives can be framed within the story of these planetary energies.
Saturn represents our reality. Back in the 60s, Saturn in Pisces showed us the "death of God' and also the birth of personal spirituality. Now that Saturn is in Libra, its energy will focus our attention on injustice and help us look for balance between people and ideas, based on our spiritual vision. How open am I to an idea or another person's feelings? What is the real issue to be faced right now? What is the meaning of "Fair and Balanced'? How do I measure up to what's true? Balance must be achieved within if we want to engage in a balanced outer partnership. If you are secure enough to be open to one person's views and needs, you can be open to listen to others' opinions. So practice being fair and balanced with the people you meet. Our individual response to the world can change things.
There's a tinderbox waiting to explode out in the world, just like in the 60s: a tinderbox of worries, fears, prejudices and uncertainties. There's also a lot of love, truth and creativity simmering. We need to come forward and share it! We can heal those fears, create out of those uncertainties. Not only in the culture, but in our personal lives.
The system (Pluto in Capricorn) is breaking down and we have to find new ways to relate with each other, to feed each other. (Cancer is the missing, essential element for grounding in this change. More on that below) Saturn in Libra offers us the discipline and authority to help us reach compromises and work together. Saturn says, "If you're gonna play, play fair!' It begins with knowing who you are, who you want to partner up with and how well you partner. Strength and courage (Mars) along with grace and creativity (Venus) are needed to engage in great partnerships, based on a deep commitment to a common purpose.
As Venus and Mars move through the beginning degrees of Libra in early August, they will connect to all four of the major planets in the T-square. With Saturn in Libra, they get a reality check what is the state of my relationships (Venus)? Am I being fair and just to both myself and others (Mars)? Love (Venus) and desire (Mars) are important components of any successful relationship, personal or professional.
Venus and Mars also oppose Uranus and Jupiter in Aries our new awakened sense of ourselves as spiritual co-creators of life. Our love and desire natures can act on this new awareness of who we are in all our relationships. And it is through those relationships that we can incorporate the Aquarian vision of equality and oneness (remember the big Neptune, Jupiter, Chiron conjunction in Aquarius last year? The new vision we are coming to hold in common, especially since the Gulf oil spill.).
Venus and Mars and Saturn in Libra as well as Uranus and Jupiter in Aries are all squaring (90*) Pluto in Capricorn, the great leveler who is rooting out corruption and decay in the patriarchal system, both within and without. A square represents an energetic crossroads, a need to turn a corner. We have to hold the tension of opposites between our new identity and "all our relations' and diplomatically find solutions together for our common problems. That's the best way to handle the energies of the 5 squares to Pluto. Watch for lots of transformation beginning in these next few weeks, especially for those of you with planets in the beginning degrees of the 4 cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.
So, within this context, let's take a look at the New Moon in Leo. Leo is the sign of creative expression and Individuation. It's the sign where we can feel free to create like children create spontaneously, unselfconsciously, joyously with lots of laughter and play. Leo and children want to say YES to life. Leo calls us to the simplicity and exuberance of childhood. And yet, it is a grown-up wonder and creativity for Leo is the sign of our Individuation, our unique creative purpose.
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