Pisces-Virgo Full Moon, August 25, 2010
By Cathy Lynn Pagano (about the author) Page 1 of 2 page(s)
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Pisces-Virgo Full Moon, August 24, 2010
"Nature is the most powerful realm of magic and spirituality upon the Earth. It is the source of primal energies and great spirits. Within it are most of life's lessons and most of life's answers. There are teachings about life, death and rebirth. There are teachings of creativity and the development of survival skills . .. Within Nature are revelations for solving problems and accomplishing tasks that seem impossible. Through Nature we can learn respect, nurturing and trust in our perceptions. It is a reminder of our greatest possibilities and our greatest magic. It is our greatest guide while we walk the Earth." Nature-Speak, Ted Andrews
Radical trust is the message of this Pisces Full Moon. The answers to our questions are all around us. First we have to trust ourselves and then we need to trust that there is a bigger Cosmic plan than we can see at the moment. It's a matter of perspective. Belief is the issue what are our real beliefs about life?
The Pisces full Moon occurs at 2* of Pisces and Virgo on Tuesday, August 24th at 1:05pm Eastern/ 10:05 Pacific time. Everyone with planets in the first few degrees of the mutable signs will most especially feel this energy. Coming after the Leo new Moon, this full Moon wants us to be aware of the limiting beliefs that keep us from our destiny. This full Moon wants to help us believe that "all manner of things will be well' as St. Julian of Norwich knew.We are living in an age where each of us has to be the hero or heroine of our own story. We are all kings and queens, and we each have a responsibility to keep our world safe and healthy for our children and the future. But we can only do this is we are secure in our beliefs and confident in ourselves.
Both Pisces and Virgo are signs that demand integration of consciousness. Virgo wants us to integrate ourselves, body, mind and spirit. Virgo demands that we know ourselves and accept ourselves for who we are - both the light and the dark. Virgo is the sign of the Virgin, the one who belongs to herself. We have to own our feelings, our thoughts, our beliefs, our bodies. Then we have to develop the gift of discernment: "keen perception and judgment', "the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure', "the trait of judging wisely and objectively'. Virgo helps us learn to see with clarity so we can distinguish truth from untruth, both in the world and within ourselves.
Pisces demands that we acknowledge our interconnectedness with the whole of creation. We are all children of the Earth as well as of the Cosmos. We are all part of the great Plan. Yes, even the mess we find ourselves in is part of the plan. It seems we humans can't change until we find ourselves facing the abyss.That's when we have to develop radical trust and leap into the unknown. Like Carlos Castanada's leap off the cliff, we have to trust that our personal power will get us through. We need to take that leap of faith.
That's what the Princess in our fairy tale does. To escape the Father's desire to own her, she has to take a leap into the unknown. In the fairy tale, she asks her father for 4 things before she'll marry him: a dress of the sun, a dress of the moon, a dress of the stars and a mantle of furs. She doesn't believe he can complete the tasks, but he has his servants do it.When presented with the inevitable horror of having to marry her own father, she determines to leave the life she knows rather than submit. She takes her resources with her. She puts her dresses in a nutshell and dresses in the mantle of furs. And then she runs away to the forest.
The forest is a place of mystery and initiation. It's where we re-discover our instinctual nature (the mantle of furs) and become virginal again. The forest is symbolic of the feminine forces of life, a place of creation and birth, free from the controls of culture and society. The forest is a place where we get in touch with our unconscious as well as the primal creative forces of life. It's a place we can grow, free of previous restrictions. It's where we face our own unconscious needs and unique way of being. For this princess who's been betrayed by both father and mother, it is a source of nurturing. This is where she returns to the Great Mother, the source of our life here on Earth. And because we are each meant to be unique expressions of Spirit, it is here that she finds the belief in herself she needs to continue her quest.
In the fairy tale, the princess, living in her mantle of furs, is found by a new king an earthy hunter who is her mate and equal. This is the energy she's discovered in the forest a new way of "doing' that matches her "being'. But instead of revealing that she's a princess, she stays in her disguise and goes back to work in his kitchen. She needs the time to fully integrate all the knowledge she has claimed from her father/culture and make it her own. It's hard work.It's Virgo work.
The power of Pluto trines the Sun in Virgo and sextiles the Moon in Pisces, giving us the evolutionary energy to make the changes and meet the challenges that face us as we take the leap of faith to find our freedom.
The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 2* Virgo is: A large white cross stands alone on top of a high hill, dominating the landscape. The cross is an ancient universal symbol for the world center, a point of communication between the heavens and earth. Like the Tree of Life, it offers us spiritual nurturing. White symbolizes perfection, purity, innocence and spiritual authority. The high hill brings earth close to heaven and gives us a wider perspective. This symbol speaks to the need of each individual to go beyond ego-subjectivity into a larger objectivity. We each need to undergo the initiation of crucifixion to learn detachment and discernment. This "liberating ordeal' opens us to the mystical path of Pisces, allowing us entrance into the spiritual dimensions of life. This image of a cross dominating the landscape reminds us that we have to bear the cross of life to arrive at a compassionate and loving heart.
The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 2*Pisces is: A squirrel, showing human acumen, hides from hunters. Squirrels are always busy and active, gathering and storing food for the winter. Symbol of preparedness and activity, squirrel symbolizes how we balance giving and receiving, being active and being playful. In hiding from hunters, squirrel reminds us that as we become more individual in our standpoint, we need to protect ourselves and stay safe from the negativity, aggressiveness and greed that we see in the news every day. Stay focused on your spiritual purpose on that leap of faith but don't forget to protect yourself from the collective pressures of the times. Maintain your peace of mind!
Other astrological events:
The Sun in Leo opposes Neptune in Aquarius on August 20th, inspiring us to imagine the Aquarian vision of one world, one people, all responsible for the health and well-being of our beloved planet.
Venus and Mars join together in Venus' own sign of Libra on August 20th, bringing balance to love and desire, compassion and assertion. It's a chance to learn how to meet challenges gracefully and with humor and tact. This begins a new phase of relationship dynamics, one centered in Libra's gifts of beauty, graciousness, balance, partnership, diplomacy and fairness.The Sabian symbol for 14* Libra is: A man rests in a hammock in a moonlit tropical garden, while a party continues inside. It's time to give our "doing' a break and relax and enjoy the beauty of our world and dream of better things to come.
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