The Intuitive and Crown Chakras.
It's important to note that these two Chakras are extremely
crucial to your wellbeing - and they're also very closely
connected to each other.
Both play a part in helping you connect with higher guidance
and your natural intuitive sense, so you can make better
decisions, have a clearer sense of direction, and enjoy
deeper peace of mind.
If yours are weak or closed, you may experience symptoms
including a sense of aimlessness, spiritual emptiness, a
tendency to make the wrong decisions in your career and
personal life, and difficulty in knowing and pursuing your
life purpose.
When you took the quiz, were your Intuitive and Crown Chakras
strong, weak or closed?
Either way, the techniques I'm about to share will help you
heal and strengthen them (and if they're already strong,
try these anyway because there's always room for improvement):
Healing your INTUITIVE CHAKRA (located at the center of your forehead)
Your Intuitive Chakra is your psychic power - your intuitive
knowing - and is often referred to as your third eye.
It is responsible for your experience with intuition and
psychic talents, self-reflection, visualization, imagination,
perception, discernment, and how to develop clarity and trust
your own intuition.
The color for the sixth chakra is indigo. Wear some blue/purple
indigo to give your third eye a big boost this week.
The therapeutic gemstone for this chakra is Indigo. It is one of
my favorite gemstones, and I have used it extensively over the
years to help strengthen my intuition and discernment.
This week, write the following statements on your bathroom mirror.
Every morning, put your index finger on the middle of your forehead,
and imagine you are opening a closed eyelid while repeating these
I am intuitive
I am inspired
I am receiving guidance for my life
I am discerning
I am aware of my higher purpose
I am seeing and hearing my spiritual truth
I am a balanced and powerful sixth chakra
Your intuition is one of your greatest tools to guide your life.
By opening your third eye, you are giving yourself a great resource
for divine direction - so trust your intuition and your spiritual
eyes to guide you.
Healing your CROWN CHAKRA (located at the top of your head)
Your Crown Chakra is your direct connection to source and your
higher self. It's the source of your divine inspiration.
The energy of the Crown Chakra influences your experience with
charity, connection to a higher power, divinity, belief systems,
revelations and divine consciousness.
The therapeutic gemstone that feeds your Crown Chakra is Amethyst,
and its color is purple. Wear some purple every day this week to
open your Crown Chakra.
To work on your Crown Chakra, write the following statements on
your bathroom mirror. While you are repeating them, place your
fingertips on the top of your head and pull your hands apart as
if you were pulling open your head:
I am important to divine consciousness
I am connected to my highest self
I am connected to the higher purpose of money
I am following my divine path
I am living my purpose
I am spiritually connected to heaven
You were placed on this earth for a purpose. There is no accident
in your being alive here exactly at this time. There are people
waiting for you to learn what you came to learn, so you can share
it with them.
Hope these techniques and insights do wonders for you.
As always, if you've got any comments, questions or experiences to
share, drop me a line at
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