Sunday, October 2, 2011

More Chakra Healing from Carol Tuttle

Healing your HEART CHAKRA (located at the center of your chest)
When you Heart Chakra is strong, you'll enjoy comfortable, loving and emphatic
relationships with your loved ones, your colleagues and people in your community.
You'll constantly have a heartfelt sense of gratitude for how wonderful your life is, and
feel compassion for everyone around you.
The colour Green helps heal and creates a stronger vibratory force of this Chakra. So I
recommend that you wear Green for as long as you are working on this Chakra.
You may even want to get yourself Ruby or Roselle Quartz gemstones to assist in the
healing of the Chakra - they hold tremendous therapeutic qualities.
Work on your Heart Chakra for at least a week. Write the following statements on your
bathroom mirror, and every morning this week, place your hand on your Heart Chakra,
and remind yourself that:
I am loved because I was born
I am safe feeling my feelings
I am a balanced and vibrant fourth chakra
I am safe to give and receive love
I am loving myself and sharing that love
I am forgiving
I am forgiving
I am forgiving
I am loved and supported by God
Do this every day this week and your heart will be smiling.
Healing your SACRAL CHAKRA (located at your lower abdomen)
This Chakra influences your sexuality, and you'll know when it's strong when you see
sex in a positive light - as glorious, pleasurable and healthy activity. Sexual sessions
are frequent, and you and your partner enjoy long-lasting sex that end with mind-blowing
orgasms (usually at the same time).
The health of this Chakra is responsible for keeping you passionate about your partner,
even though you've been together for years, and if you're single, you'll always attract the
right partners.
Wear Orange clothing to feed the Sacral Chakra. And seek out the Carnelian gemstone
to help assist you in the healing of this Chakra.
To energize your Sacral Chakra, repeat the following the statements while rotating your
hand on the Chakra in a clockwise direction to anchor in these truths.
Thank You, God.
I am worthy of love
I am grateful to be a woman or man
My life is right and good
I am deserving of all of life's blessings
I am grateful for this body as it is now
I am comfortable in my body
I am allowing nurturing and comfort
Do this every day for the rest of the week (that you spend on this Chakra).
I also recommend putting the statements on your bathroom mirror.

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