Saturday, July 30, 2011

Happy Leo New Moon

The lion who symbolizes Leo is proud and fierce, beautiful and expressive, roaring to let us know he's the King! For Leo is the sign of the King and the Queen, as well as the Divine Child within each of us who expresses its unique Self through its creations. So during this month of Leo, explore your creativity (playfully as only a Leo can) because the world most definitely needs our creative genius to flourish.

All of us are artists of one kind or another. Whether we express ourselves through art, dance, music, writing, cooking, gardening, sculpting, making, sewing or storytelling, we all have something within us that pushes us to express ourselves in some way. And it is more crucial now than ever before that we allow ourselves to create and express what we see and feel. Jean Houston calls it "social artistry', the artist as a culture bringer, the culture bringer as artist. Just like Lugh of the Long Arm, who was a master of many crafts! Artists are leaders, just like Leo's are. Artists lead the way by allowing themselves to go into the unknown, where there are no rules or boundaries. Through play and experimentation, they work with the creative imagination, the eternal fires of life, and bring something new into the world.

We are living in a time of chaos and change. While politicians argue over the economy, our culture is dying. We cannot look to political leaders for answers -- they are too caught up in trying to resuscitate a dying patriarchal paradigm that has brought us to the brink of extinction. It is up to each of us to become social artists and come up with the blueprint for a new society, a new paradigm that is global in scope, peaceful in intent and co-creative at best. We are seeing the beginnings of a global revolution in values and outlook, where masculine and feminine consciousness are balanced and each person becomes responsible for all. Starting in the next years, we have to bring on the revolution so we can evolve to the next stage of global unity, with new possibilities for humanity and for the world. This is our mission this lifetime!


In Eckhart Tolle's bestseller A New Earth, Tolle writes:

"Others, after the natural expansion that comes with growing up has run its course, lead an outwardly unremarkable, seemingly more passive and relatively uneventful existence. They are more inward looking by nature, and for them the outward movement into form is minimal. They would rather return home than go out.

Some of them find it hard to fit into this world. Some are lucky enough to find a protective niche where they can lead a relatively sheltered life, a job that provides them with a regular income or a small business of their own.

In past ages, they would probably have been called contemplatives. There is no place for them, it seems, in our contemporary civilization. On the arising new earth, however, their role is just as vital as that of the creators, the doers, the reformers. Their function is to anchor the frequency of the new consciousness on the planet. I call them frequency-holders. They are here to generate consciousness through the activities of daily life, through their interactions as well as through 'just being.'

In this way, they endow the seemingly insignificant with profound meaning. Their task is to bring spacious stillness into this world by being absolutely present in whatever they do. There is consciousness and therefore quality in what they do, even the simplest task. Their purpose is to do everything in a sacred manner. As each human being is an integral part of the collective human consciousness, they affect the world much more deeply than is visible on the surface of their lives."

Dealing with Loss

"Just Listen" by Dr. Mark Goulston Is a book that helps with how to deal with loss.

According to Dr. Goulston the key to moving successfully through loss and back to higher living is to respond to loss in the most grounded, honest, and creative way possible. To that end, he suggests that we essentially have three brains; a reptilian brain, or "fight or flight brain", an emotional or feeling brain, and then our higher awareness or creative brain. This, of course, greatly simplifies the brain and the various ways our brains function, but for our purpose of working through upset and trauma quickly, this simplistic understanding is enough to get us through loss and back on track to recuperation.

In order to move through the negative feelings of loss and despair and be able to tap into your creativity and intuition, you must move from the reptilian brain response, through the emotional response, and then on to the higher Spiritual response as quickly as possible. Only there, in your Higher brain, or mind, or Spirit, (my version) can you hear the voice of your intuition and follow this inner guidance to higher ground. This sounds difficult but in fact can be done easily by using this 5-step method to move onward and upward when faced with upset, loss, disappointment, or any other unpleasant situation.

Begin by imagining that you are stepping onto a small five-step ladder, each step leading you away from the problem and toward the intuitively guided solution or new direction.

Close your eyes and take the first step, saying either to yourself or out loud, (I prefer out loud.):

Step 1. OH %%$@!!! (This is the first reptilian fight or flight response.) Then take two deep breaths.

Then mentally step, problem in mind, up to

Step 2. Then say quietly, or out loud, "OH my God!" Again take two deep breaths.

This step moves us on to our emotional victim response.

Step 3. Next, move up to the third step and say, "Oh NO!" Then take two deep breaths. This step takes us further into the emotional and even denial response.

Step 4. Continuing, move up to step 4 and say, "Oh Well!" This step walks us out of denial and into an acceptance, and now detachment response.

And finally step onto the top step, into your Higher Self, your Higher Consciousness, where in your mind's eye you can see clearly once again and say,'

"OK! Now what is the solution?" This final step opens the door to full acceptance of the event and now gives us access to a receptive intuitive response.

At first these five steps may take a while to move through, but if you practice them like a drill, moving more and more quickly through them each time you face an upset, the more quickly you can calm the emotional waters and the undertow of fear, and get connected with your Intuitive Spirit who can them guide you safely and in a grounded way to a productive creative response and move you to higher ground.

So, as a review:

When upset arrives

You say,

  1. Oh &%$#)!!! (Or whatever expletive you prefer) Then breathe.

  2. "Oh my God!" Then breathe.

  3. "OH NO!!" Then breathe.

  4. "OH well." Then breathe.

  5. "OK." Then breathe a few times. "Only then ask your Spirit, "Now what is the next step?"

And then listen, breathe, be quiet, and wait.

A response may come from your Spirit right away or it may not. But at least you are out of the floundering and devastated mode of fight or flight and the powerlessness of victim mentality and are now primed to hear your intuition when it does present you with new direction.

You can repeat this 5-step process when responding to any loss, crisis, disappointment, upset, or surprise that you do not like. In fact, the more you repeat it the more it will start to become your automatic response to upset and the more quickly you will get back into the best possible flow, no matter what has happened.

Do not forget to breathe and listen at the end of the drill.

To make your intuition even more clear, you can also place your hand over your heart after you say, "OK, What is the next step?" and answer out loud, "My heart says…." And fill in the blank.

This simple drill works to keep you from feeling helpless, hopeless, ambushed, stuck, and in victim mode and keeps you moving toward the light, connecting with love to your Higher Self, Your Spirit for guidance, as you move through difficulty.

Try it the next time you find yourself upset, or worked up, and out of touch with your intuition and Spirit. Call it the 5-step ladder to intuitive guidance. I know it will help you under stress as it does for me.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Body Never Lies

Did you know that "interlaced around the digestive organs is a nervous system that is so complex, and so neurologically similar to the brain in both structure and functioning, that it is called our 'second brain'?" - Philip Shepherd.

It is this second brain that activates gut feelings and reactions. Because of it's complexity and ability to process our unique feelings and emotions, some say it is more reliable than the brain that sits atop.

Leo New Moon, July 30, 2011

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By Cathy Lynn Pagano (about the author)

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Leo New Moon: July 30, 2011

Lammas: August 1st to August 7th

"The Welfare of the People is the chief Law." Cicero

The Sun enters its own sign of Leo on Friday, July 22 at 9:12pm Pacific time and Saturday, July 23 at 12:12am Eastern time. We celebrate this time of the Sun's rulership at the next turning of the Wheel of the Year on August 1st, the Celtic festival of Lammas or Lughnasad, the festival of the first harvest. Another cross-quarter holiday, originally marking the power gate at 15* Leo, Lammas celebrates the King who is willing to sacrifice himself for the good of his people. Ancient peoples always put aside an offering of the first fruits of their harvest for the gods and goddesses to ensure the continued fertility of the land. At this turn of the Wheel, we look at our lives and see what we have to offer to our people, not for money or power, but for the good of all.

Lammas by Elana Gibeault

The Irish Lughnasad celebrated the great Celtic sun-god, Lugh of the Long Arm, mighty king and bringer of civilization. Lugh was a member of the Tuatha De Danann, and his name means, "The Shining One." He was skilled in all crafts, and possessed a marvelous spear. He is the good king, willing to face malevolent otherworldly beings for the sake of his people. And so Lammas is truly the festival in which we commemorate the King or Queen, the possible human, within us all.

Lammas is a fire festival celebrating the time when the Sun burns its' fiercest, for fires are destructive, as we have seen in Arizona this summer. But fire is also creative, and if we can let the spiritual fires burn away all that is inessential within us, we are left with what is eternal and true. That is Leo's purpose in our lives -- to express our essential Self.

Leo's fire is a bonfire, a strong steady fire that illuminates and warms us. The lion who symbolizes Leo is proud and fierce, beautiful and expressive, roaring to let us know he's the King! For Leo is the sign of the King and the Queen, as well as the Divine Child within each of us who expresses its unique Self through its creations. So during this month of Leo, explore your creativity (playfully as only a Leo can) because the world most definitely needs our creative genius to flourish.

All of us are artists of one kind or another. Whether we express ourselves through art, dance, music, writing, cooking, gardening, sculpting, making, sewing or storytelling, we all have something within us that pushes us to express ourselves in some way. And it is more crucial now than ever before that we allow ourselves to create and express what we see and feel. Jean Houston calls it "social artistry', the artist as a culture bringer, the culture bringer as artist. Just like Lugh of the Long Arm, who was a master of many crafts! Artists are leaders, just like Leo's are. Artists lead the way by allowing themselves to go into the unknown, where there are no rules or boundaries. Through play and experimentation, they work with the creative imagination, the eternal fires of life, and bring something new into the world.

We are living in a time of chaos and change. While politicians argue over the economy, our culture is dying. We cannot look to political leaders for answers -- they are too caught up in trying to resuscitate a dying patriarchal paradigm that has brought us to the brink of extinction. It is up to each of us to become social artists and come up with the blueprint for a new society, a new paradigm that is global in scope, peaceful in intent and co-creative at best. We are seeing the beginnings of a global revolution in values and outlook, where masculine and feminine consciousness are balanced and each person becomes responsible for all. Starting in the next years, we have to bring on the revolution so we can evolve to the next stage of global unity, with new possibilities for humanity and for the world. This is our mission this lifetime!

Leo New Moon

The Leo New Moon occurs on Saturday July 30th at 11:40am PDT/ 2:40pm EDT/ 6:40pm GMT. New Moons mark new beginnings, and so use this time to envision what unique creative expression you want to manifest in the coming years.

Leo New Moon 2011 by Cathy Pagano/Kepler

The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 8*Leo is: A communist activist spreading his revolutionary ideals . This symbol expresses the idea of the patriarchy being confronted by a desire for a new way of life and a new sense of values, a new paradigm in which all people are equal in all ways. While we can say that these "communist' ideals have not worked out in reality, the ideals of freedom and equality can be achieved if we throw off the yoke of corporate control and take up our personal responsibility to own and create democracy around the world. It's all about being inspired by a vision to bring about change.

Venus, which moves into Leo on July 28th, is very close to this new Moon, and so she adds her Wisdom, Creativity and Love to the mix. The Sabian symbol for Venus at 3*Leo is: A middle-aged woman, her long hair flowing over her shoulders and in a bra-less youthful garment. This symbolizes emotional independence from cultural expectations, giving rise to a youthful attitude, regardless of age. The hippie woman is back, "making love not war' and singing "all you need is love'. Express what's in your heart and soul and create something!

This new Moon is also in a very supportive relationship (a trine) to Uranus and Ceres in Aries, nurturing our independence, our uniqueness, our genius and our awakening to cosmic realities. Uranus is still at 5* Aries: A triangle with wings. Uranus will help us envision the new possibilities of a co-creative life, which in turn can mobilize our creativity and our strength.

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Positive Psychology-- Promising a Better Humanity

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By Rob Kall (about the author)

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I spent Saturday through Tuesday at theInternational Positive Psychology Association congress. It took until the very end to realize that my first work in the field was in 1981-- that makes 30 years. And back then, the term Positive Psychology didn't exist.

Positive Psychology aims to explore the positive aspects of being human-- happiness, well-being, compassion, awe, kindness, love, civility-- and it uses some languaging, like savoring, elevation, broaden and build, eudaemonia.

This is exciting work. There have been trillions spent on the negative aspects of being human, hate, war, anger, greed-- so it's good that now there is a rapidly growing field that seeks to understand the psychology, neurobiology and underpinnings of what is good about people.

There are games being created based on the research, theories of what make good movies based on it, school programs built from the ground up with positive psychology principles.

Research shows that when people learn the skills that positive psychology has identified as worth learning, people feel better, are healthier and may even live longer-- and certainly happier lives. They show more compassion, take action and help others. One researcher, Robert Vallerand, explored the idea of passion-- proposing that there are two kinds-- obsessive, which can be unhealthy, and harmonious passion, which can actually enhance well-being and health.

Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at University of Wisconsin, Madison, has been doing and directing research inspired by his relationship with the Dalai Lama.

He's studied Tibetan Buddhist monks who have engaged in at least 10,000 hours, and an average of 34,000 hours of Loving Kindness meditation. He and his team have identified the parts of the brain that light up when the monks achieve higher states of consciousness. The goal of the mediation is to generate a state in which love and compassion permeate the whole mind.

Davidson concludes, "Compassion, kindness, mindfulness, and other related characteristics are best viewed as products of trainable skills. Mental training to enhance these skills changes the brain and body.

Maps of brain activity from Richard Davidson's presentation at IPPA

After his lecture, I asked Davidson, who I first met in 1979, about an interest of mine, the heartwarming experience-- when you have glow or warm feeling in your heart. That phenomenon was what set off my interest in positive psychology 30 years ago. He speculated that these monks who spend tens of thousands of hours practicing loving kindness meditation may may in an almost permanent state like the heartwarming experience.

The exciting thing is, his lab has shown that it doesn't take 10 or 20 or 30,000 hours to learn enough loving kindness meditation skills to make and feel a difference.

There were hundreds of reports, presentation, papers, posters, panels and workshops at the congress. This article gives a tiny sampling.

To see some of my earlier writings on positive psychology, see my

Monday, July 18, 2011

Manifestation Mantra

I free my natural genius to create my magnificent life.
I commit to becoming aware of the unconscious patterns that limit me.
I discover the essential questions of my magnificent life.
Blessings flow in the parts of my life I used to complain about.
With ease, I turn all my heart’s desires into reality.
I love as much as I can, wherever I happen to be.
I wonder about all the things I used to worry about.
Life flows easefully as I speak honestly and keep my agreements
I look for things to appreciate wherever I go, and I speak my
appreciation liberally.

Friday, July 15, 2011


If you want to enjoy waves of abundance in your life, here’s a powerful
way: Become a manufacturer and distributor of appreciation, instead of a
consumer of it.

Manufacturers and distributors know how to get things from the
source. Consumers have to wait around for a delivery.
Manufacturers and distributors of appreciation get to participate in the
flow. Consumers are at the mercy of distributors and manufacturers. Their
flow depends on deliveries from others.
In a crunch, manufacturers and distributors are much more likely than
consumers to have a good supply.

So, step out of being a consumer and into the manufacturer and
distributor role. Think up appreciations about the people in our lives and deliver those
appreciations to them. Here’s your chance to take over the manufacturing and distributing of
love and approval in your life.

Think of an important person in your life, and generate a list of 5-10
things you appreciate about that person.

Do the same thing for a second person, and a third.

Generate a list of 5-10 things you appreciate about the world in

Generate a list of 5-10 things you appreciate about yourself.

Make a plan for delivering those appreciations, and make good on your

These activities, done sincerely, open up a field of gratitude around
you wherever you go. In that field of gratitude a garden of miracles will grow.
This week, focus on appreciation. As you float the affirmation through
your mind, focus on the genuine experience of appreciation. Do your best to
feel it in your body.

Affirmation: I look for things to appreciate wherever I go, and I speak
my appreciation liberally.

If you want to enjoy waves of abundance in your life, here’s a powerful
way: Become a manufacturer and distributor of appreciation, instead of a
consumer of it.

Manufacturers and distributors know how to get things from the
source. Consumers have to wait around for a delivery.
Manufacturers and distributors of appreciation get to participate in the
flow. Consumers are at the mercy of distributors and manufacturers. Their
flow depends on deliveries from others.
In a crunch, manufacturers and distributors are much more likely than
consumers to have a good supply.

So, step out of being a consumer and into the manufacturer and
distributor role. Think up appreciations about the people in our lives and deliver those
appreciations to them. Here’s your chance to take over the manufacturing and distributing of
love and approval in your life.

Think of an important person in your life, and generate a list of 5-10
things you appreciate about that person.

Do the same thing for a second person, and a third.

Generate a list of 5-10 things you appreciate about the world in

Generate a list of 5-10 things you appreciate about yourself.

Make a plan for delivering those appreciations, and make good on your

These activities, done sincerely, open up a field of gratitude around
you wherever you go. In that field of gratitude a garden of miracles will grow.
This week, focus on appreciation. As you float the affirmation through
your mind, focus on the genuine experience of appreciation. Do your best to
feel it in your body.

Affirmation: I look for things to appreciate wherever I go, and I speak
my appreciation liberally.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

TEDxSantaCruz: Lori Butterworth - Sustaining Compassion: A Nonprofit Story

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Capricorn Full Moon, July 14-15, 2011

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By Cathy Lynn Pagano (about the author)

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Capricorn Full Moon, July 14-15, 2011

"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."

John F. Kennedy

Full Moon by Unknown

The intense energy of the past three eclipses was like a giant wave that has brought us to a new shore. Our new destination might not be clear yet, but there's no going back now. New patterns of perception are beginning to operate in our new emotional bodies and we get to see the world without the patriarchal filters that offer us only fear and loss, competition and war. Instead, we are given the opportunity to see the world with fresh ideas and possibilities, as the old social structures continue to crumble and open up spaces where new life can take root and grow.

The astrological Moon symbolizes the emotional body and the Unconscious. But we can get a better idea of the power of the Moon by the many words connected with its linguistic roots. These words take their meaning from the ancient understanding of the Moon's attributes. Some of the words are: MENSIS, month; MENSES, blood flow; MENOS, spirit, heart, soul, courage, ardency; MENOINAN, to consider, meditate, wish; MEMONA, to have in mind, to intend; MANIA, madness, possession; MANTEIA, prophecy; MENUO, to reveal; MANTHANO, to learn; MEMINI, to remember; METIS, wisdom; MATRA-M, measure; METIESTHAI, to dream. All these words stem from the one original Sanskrit root HATI-H, which means thought, intention, measure and knowing.

The Moon, and the consciousness and knowing its light bestows, is therefore necessary for measuring, considering, revealing, learning, remembering and dreaming. It is the bringer of wisdom, as well as of madness and lunacy; it gives the ability to walk in the spirit world, or to be possessed by it or the contents of the collective unconscious. It also gives courage, heart and soul to the undertaking of becoming human. The light of the Moon is the consciousness by which we incarnate, the spiritual light that brings change and growth to life here on Earth. We are indeed blessed, for we have been given the great gift of choice by whoever created us. Since we are made of the same stardust as a galaxy, we must adhere to the cosmic laws of our galaxy and cosmos. Even if we don't realize we are doing so.

Our great gift is to be conscious that we have a choice. And then make one. Unfortunately, our patriarchal society seems to be ignoring the real, great crisis of our times, choosing instead to try to prop up a failing economic system. Some scientists are saying we've already passed the point where we can heal the environment. Others say we have about 10 years to make a shift. I'm going to go with the 10 year theory, because the rest of the cosmic story says we're due to have a revolution in the next three years. And you, dear reader, are probably going to be one of the leaders. Because this revolution is going to be a peaceful one, but it's going to take educating our people about the realities, the hopes and the fears for these coming years.

The Capricorn Full Moon's main message is: if you want to create a fulfilling life that includes those people and tasks and things that are most important to you, then you have to take responsibility for your society.

As my friend Tamara Ison explains, this full Moon marks the energetic establishment of a new structure of collective consciousness that we've all be working toward in ourselves. If we've reached a critical mass of consciousness, perhaps we can turn things around in the next 10 years. It's our blessing and our curse -- we have to make a choice. We have to make it now. And if we stand back, undecided, then our choice becomes staying in the old field of patriarchal consciousness. Sorry, but this full Moon has been waiting for us since the beginning of time. It offers us a mirror on our society, asking us to pursue some of the Moon's power: we need to consider, meditate on, keep in mind what is going on in our society, and then we have to decide where we stand. We can ask for a vision, dream a dream, make awish, but then we have to do something to manifest it in our physical reality. We have another cardinal grand cross in this full Moon chart, so get ready to keep moving that 4-armed wheel of beginnings.

But more on that part of the cosmic story later in this article. For now, let's go back to the Moon and its powers and how we might work with them.

The Moon sets the timing rhythms of life and as it progresses through the signs, it nudges us to pay attention to different aspects of our life. Since the full Moon occurs in the sign opposite where the Sun is, it gives us an awareness of the emotional state of that aspect of life. As the Sun goes through the first six signs of the zodiac from Aries to Virgo, our Sun consciousness focuses our awareness on our personal objectives. When we reach the full Moon for each of those months, the Moon energies are in the opposite, more collective signs of Libra through Pisces. The full Moon energy during these months implies that we might come to understand ourselves through the emotional lens of another person, our society, our spirituality or the groups we belong to. Since the Moon is the guardian ruler of the Sun in Cancer, this is a very important full Moon. It means that if we do not handle these Cancer/Capricorn, Mother/Father, Soul/Society issues, we cannot have the secure and creative life that we want. So let's explore this Capricorn Full Moon.

When the full Moon is in Capricorn, the sign of our social systems and structures, we are asked to reflect on and give thought to what their purpose is in our collective life so we can judge if they are performing well or not. We need to take measure of how well they serve our interests, since we establish these institutions for the betterment of life -- everyone's lives, not just the ruling few, in a true democracy.

As I mentioned, the full Moon often reveals our emotional involvement with the issues the Sun brings up. Cancer rules the emotional body, the juicy life of the heart which longs for love and security, creativity and connection. The Capricorn Moon shows us the rules which govern our collective life, such as "don't be so emotional', "money talks', "stick to the facts' etc. The Capricorn Moon insists on duty, responsibility and obedience to the patriarchal rules. It doesn't give us much room to maneuver and so we often fall short of the rules. And are judged and shamed for it. So the full Moon presents us with an awareness of how those rules and structures are really serving all of us. It isn't looking good.

So, here is this full Moon drawing up greater emotional awareness of our collective life: our society and our common institutions. What are we seeing in the political/societal emotional body? Antagonism and obstinacy, hypocrisy and greed, fear and floundering. One of the ways I would describe the purpose of Capricorn is how we organize society, whether it's a tribal society or a technological one. How do groups of people live together? What are the societal structures we agree to live within?

In a tribal society, everyone has a purpose and place, with set rules and expectations. Children are taught the tribe's strictures through their old stories and by example. They are trained to take up their crafts, their duties and their visions. Central to their life is the welfare of their tribe. In many tribes, the most vulnerable ones were protected and nourished. In other tribes, these same ones were vilified and outcast. Feudalism was a form of society in which the few ruled the many. The noble's word was law. Then we have democracies, where each person is free and equal. But what happens when that democratic individuality goes overboard and becomes "every man for himself'? Or "every corporation for himself' (I think modern corporations are intrinsically masculine, so I'm going with that pronoun). There are all sorts of societies.

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Reprogram Your Nervous System to Respond Better to Daily Stresses

Stress has an immediate impact on every system in your body. The daily stresses of life trigger primitive brain centers into an emergency response condition. Up to 80% of the blood leaves your forebrain to support the fight-or-flight response and stress chemicals pour into the bloodstream. The primitive brain structures don't distinguish whether
Main NV Points
"Oh My God" Points
the alarm was set off by something small like a broken shoe lace or a huge physical threat.

With simple Energy Medicine techniques you can reprogram your nervous system to no longer set off the crisis response in the face of daily stresses. Holding your Neurovascular points returns blood to your forebrain and reconditions your response to stress.

Try this simple technique the next time you are hit by stress, feel overwhelmed, or highly emotional:
  1. Lightly place your fingertips on your forehead, covering the frontal eminences, the "Oh my God" points (p. 234).
  2. Put your thumbs on your temples next to your eyes, breathing deeply.
  3. Sink deeply into the emotion and stress as you hold the points for three to five minutes.
  4. As blood returns to your forebrain over the next few minutes you will begin to think more clearly.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chakra Healing: Personal Power Chakra

Are You Moving?

What gives me the greatest spiritual confidence is the knowledge that I'm moving. I know that I'm continuing to develop. Philosophically, spiritually, personally, I am not in the same place I was a decade ago, a year ago, or even six months ago. And as long as that's the case, I will have the confidence to stand up and talk about evolution.

The problem for most people, as I see it, is that they are not moving. They're stuck at some place they reached decades ago. In an evolutionary worldview, the raison d'être is movement, change. The highest goodness is actual development. Are we evolving? Are we developing? If we're stagnating, the universe cannot evolve through us. If we are not moving, the evolutionary process is stagnating. Of course, it's not something we are deliberately or consciously doing, but because of our ignorance or unenlightenment, we are actually inhibiting the evolution of the interior of the cosmos.

If we have the courage to embrace this radical perspective on ourselves, we awaken to an enormous evolutionary imperative to get moving, so that the universe can get moving through us. From the perspective of a process that is trying to get somewhere, there is always a tremendous urgency—a creative urgency, an ecstatic urgency—for you to evolve. You and I are vehicles through which the process can develop. Is your self receptive? Is it open, transparent, surrendered, and committed enough to be a vessel for that creative urgency? When you get moving, your human body, personality, soul, and spirit becomes an expression and a manifestation of the evolutionary impulse—incarnate and always moving.

~ Andrew Cohen

A Map to the Next World
In the last days of the fourth world I wished to make a map
for those who would climb through the hole in the sky.
My only tools were the desires of humans as they emerged from the killing fields,
from the bedrooms and the kitchens.
For the soul is a wanderer with many hands and feet.
The map must be of sand and can't be read by ordinary light.
It must carry fire to the next tribal town, for renewal of spirit.
In the legend are instructions on the language of the land,
how it was we forgot to acknowledge the gift, as if we were not in it or of it.
Take note of the proliferation of supermarkets and malls, the altars of money.
They best describe the detour from grace.
Keep track of the errors of our forgetfulness; a fog steals our children while we sleep.
Flowers of rage spring up in the depression, the monsters are born there of nuclear anger.
Trees of ashes wave good-bye to good-bye and the map appears to disappear.
We no longer know the names of the birds here,
how to speak to them by their personal names.
Once we knew everything in this lush promise.
What I am telling you is real and is printed in a warning on the map.
Our forgetfulness stalks us, walks the earth behind us,
leaving a trail of paper diapers, needles and wasted blood.
An imperfect map will have to do little one.
The place of entry is the sea of your mother's blood,
your father's small death as he longs to know himself in another.
There is no exit.
The map can be interpreted through the wall of the intestine --
a spiral on the road of knowledge.
You will travel through the membrane of death,
smell cooking from the encampment where our relatives make a feast
of fresh deer meat and corn soup, in the Milky Way.
They have never left us; we abandoned them for science.
And when you take your next breath as we enter the fifth world there will be no X,
no guide book with words you can carry.
You will have to navigate by your mother's voice, renew the song she is singing.
Fresh courage glimmers from planets.
And lights the map printed with the blood of history,
a map you will have to know by your intention, by the language of suns.
When you emerge note the tracks of the monster slayers
where they entered the cities of artificial light and killed what was killing us.
You will see red cliffs. They are the heart, contain the ladder.
A white deer will come to greet you when the last human climbs from the destruction.
Remember the hole of our shame marking the act of abandoning our tribal grounds.
We were never perfect.
Yet, the journey we make together is perfect on this earth
who was once a star and made the same mistakes as humans.
We might make them again, she said.
Crucial to finding the way is this: there is no beginning or end.
You must make your own map.
~ Joy Harjo ~
(A Map to the Next World: Poems)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Chakra Healing: Sacral Chakra

adapted from an Inuit story by Laura Simms
There was once a young Inuit woman who refused to marry. No young man in her village, or suitors from afar were good enough. People complained that she was too different. She remained alone.
One day a handsome stranger arrived. "Here is a man that I would marry," she announced. Never looking at her, the stranger left the village. So, the young woman followed him. He hurried faster and faster across the snow. She followed. When he bent down and ran on all fours, she followed. As his coat changed into thick white fur and he became a Polar Bear, she still followed. The Bear lumbered gracefully over ice. The young woman ran after him. Then he dove through a hole, and she doveafter him into the freezing water.
The Bear pulled himself out of the water through another hole and continued running on the ice above her. But she could not pull herself out of the sea. "Wait for me," she cried out. She heard his paws padding softer and softer into the distance. She began to sink. Thousands of tiny fish with mouths like scissors cut away her clothing. She sank further.
Thousands of tiny fish their mouths like knives removed her skin. The skeleton sank to the bottom of the sea and then rose up lightly. Easily she pulled herself out of the water through a break in the ice. She began to run, but her bones were rattling. Shaking, sliding, rattling, she tried to run.
"I should never have followed that man," she thought. She dreamed of being home by a fire. Then she fell, bones tumbling on ice.
She awoke wrapped in furs in her own house by a fire. "It must have been a dream," she said. She reached for her crescent bone knife and saw her fingers. She was still bone. She was a skeleton woman.
Skeleton woman sat outside. Now, she was alone. There were no other houses in the village. She was very lonely.
One day two young men walked toward her. She beckoned them into the house to offer them warmth. When they saw she was a skeleton, they were disgusted and turned and ran away. At home they told their old father about her. The old man put on his coat, took his drum and went out.
The skeleton woman covered her face so as not to be seen. When the old man arrived, she hid. "Aren't you going to ask me in," he implored. She did.
Inside, he blew out the candlelight and sat on the floor. "I will play the drum and sing. You dance," he said. She answered, "I can not dance. I am just bones."
He encouraged her to dance anyway. He played the drums. He sang. The skeleton woman awkward, turned and hopped, bones jiggling. Then she began to dance. She danced until her skin grew back, and her eyes glowed, and her hair was thick and black. "Now, you play the drums and sing. I will dance." She did. The old man danced until he became young and his white hair turned black.
They left the house and went to his two sons. The boys did not recognize him, or the skeleton woman. The young couple left. Laughing, and singing, they placed the drum on the snow, jumped into it and disappeared.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Dearly Beloved Pioneers throughout the world,

I write to celebrate our journey:




We give thanks to be alive right NOW.

When we see our situation with evolutionary eyes we discover that the pattern of 13.7 billion years of evolution is a deep design of creation within ourselves, guided by a Cosmic Prime Directive:Create More Intelligent Life.

We discover recurring patterns in the process: Problems are evolutionary drivers. Crises preceed transformation. Nature takes jumps through greater synergy between parts.

Those patterns are evident right now. It is time for collective transformation. It is time for greater synergy between each of us and the greater whole.

In this moment, we are embodying our multi-billion year birth narrative pattern toward higher consciousness, greater freedom and more complex order. We are learning from nature's pattern of selecting for what cooperates best.

Then let us therefore dedicate this July 4th 2011 to learning from and following nature's fabulous design. This is the evolutionary way to "cross the gap" from Here - with breakdowns that can destroy life to There - breakthroughs that can evolve life.

As founders in the United States created the Declaration of Independence in 1776, let us, as peoples of Earth, now envision and commit to creating a global Declaration of Interdependence.

Let us envision celebrating such a Declaration on Dec. 22, 2012 as part of a planetary Birth Day - a day inaugurating a new era in human evolution.

I invite you to join me in activating this vision for a global multi-media event featuring heads of state and citizens from every country, broadcasting in as many languages and cultures as possible. They will all unify in signing this Declaration to mark a new era.

Let us also at that time dedicate the first Planetary Peace Room to be as sophisticated as our war rooms: to scan for, map, connect, and communicate what is working in the world. Let every people and community have their own Peace Room locally, to connect globally.

Through these acts, let us celebrate together human genius, creativity, compassion, and innovation. Let us fulfill our deepest heart's desire to give our unique gifts for the good of the whole family of Earth life and beyond.

Let us commit our life, our fortunes and our sacred honor to build on the greatness of our forebearers to BE THAT KIND OF LEADERSHP NOW.

If you resonate with this vision and this evolutionary call, we invite you to participate in our global team, which moves into a new phase of development with the Agents of Conscious Evolution Training starting July 26th (early registration discount ends tomorrow). Find out more here.

With love from your evolutionary sister,


Chakra Healing: Root Chakra

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse, July 1, 2011

By Cathy Lynn Pagano (about the author)

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Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse, July 1, 2011

Story Water

A story is like the water you heat for your bath.

It takes messages between the fire and your skin.

It lets them meet and it cleans you!

Very few can sit down in the middle of the fire itself,

Like a salamander or Abraham. We need intermediaries.

A feeling of fullness comes, but usually it takes some bread to bring it.

Beauty surrounds us, but usually we need to be walking in a garden to know it.

The body itself is a screen to shield and partially reveal

the light that's blazing inside your presence.

Water, stories, the body, all the things we do,

Are mediums that hide and show what's hidden.

Study them, and enjoy this being washed with a secret

We sometimes know, and then not. Rumi

Cosmic Child by 2001: A Space Odessy

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