Dearly Beloved Pioneers throughout the world,
I write to celebrate our journey:
We give thanks to be alive right NOW.
When we see our situation with evolutionary eyes we discover that the pattern of 13.7 billion years of evolution is a deep design of creation within ourselves, guided by a Cosmic Prime Directive:Create More Intelligent Life.
We discover recurring patterns in the process: Problems are evolutionary drivers. Crises preceed transformation. Nature takes jumps through greater synergy between parts.
Those patterns are evident right now. It is time for collective transformation. It is time for greater synergy between each of us and the greater whole.
In this moment, we are embodying our multi-billion year birth narrative pattern toward higher consciousness, greater freedom and more complex order. We are learning from nature's pattern of selecting for what cooperates best.
Then let us therefore dedicate this July 4th 2011 to learning from and following nature's fabulous design. This is the evolutionary way to "cross the gap" from Here - with breakdowns that can destroy life to There - breakthroughs that can evolve life.
As founders in the United States created the Declaration of Independence in 1776, let us, as peoples of Earth, now envision and commit to creating a global Declaration of Interdependence.
Let us envision celebrating such a Declaration on Dec. 22, 2012 as part of a planetary Birth Day - a day inaugurating a new era in human evolution.
I invite you to join me in activating this vision for a global multi-media event featuring heads of state and citizens from every country, broadcasting in as many languages and cultures as possible. They will all unify in signing this Declaration to mark a new era.
Let us also at that time dedicate the first Planetary Peace Room to be as sophisticated as our war rooms: to scan for, map, connect, and communicate what is working in the world. Let every people and community have their own Peace Room locally, to connect globally.
Through these acts, let us celebrate together human genius, creativity, compassion, and innovation. Let us fulfill our deepest heart's desire to give our unique gifts for the good of the whole family of Earth life and beyond.
Let us commit our life, our fortunes and our sacred honor to build on the greatness of our forebearers to BE THAT KIND OF LEADERSHP NOW.
If you resonate with this vision and this evolutionary call, we invite you to participate in our global team, which moves into a new phase of development with the Agents of Conscious Evolution Training starting July 26th (early registration discount ends tomorrow). Find out more here.
With love from your evolutionary sister,
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