Friday, July 15, 2011


If you want to enjoy waves of abundance in your life, here’s a powerful
way: Become a manufacturer and distributor of appreciation, instead of a
consumer of it.

Manufacturers and distributors know how to get things from the
source. Consumers have to wait around for a delivery.
Manufacturers and distributors of appreciation get to participate in the
flow. Consumers are at the mercy of distributors and manufacturers. Their
flow depends on deliveries from others.
In a crunch, manufacturers and distributors are much more likely than
consumers to have a good supply.

So, step out of being a consumer and into the manufacturer and
distributor role. Think up appreciations about the people in our lives and deliver those
appreciations to them. Here’s your chance to take over the manufacturing and distributing of
love and approval in your life.

Think of an important person in your life, and generate a list of 5-10
things you appreciate about that person.

Do the same thing for a second person, and a third.

Generate a list of 5-10 things you appreciate about the world in

Generate a list of 5-10 things you appreciate about yourself.

Make a plan for delivering those appreciations, and make good on your

These activities, done sincerely, open up a field of gratitude around
you wherever you go. In that field of gratitude a garden of miracles will grow.
This week, focus on appreciation. As you float the affirmation through
your mind, focus on the genuine experience of appreciation. Do your best to
feel it in your body.

Affirmation: I look for things to appreciate wherever I go, and I speak
my appreciation liberally.

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